Studies have shown that the use of antibiotics can disrupt the natural gut flora in our bodies which in turn can lead to antibiotic resistance. Did you know that you can go a long way to helping yourself by eating certain foods? There are natural antibiotics found in our foods that can help common ailments such as indigestion and inflammation of the skin for example. These act as alternatives to prescription antibiotics and let people take charge of their own health. For more fascinating facts about the natural antibiotics that can be found in our foods, have a look at this infographic produced by
Read MoreThese super seeds are packed with fiber, adding a digestive benefit, and best of all, they're so easy to incorporate into your everyday diet. Check out 5 ways you can incorporate chia seeds into your diet below!
Read MoreWhen is the last time you checked the nutrition labels on the food you buy at the grocery store? Today, our food is covered in labels, “Gluten-Free,” “Non-GMO,” “Organic,” “Free Range,” or “Fat Free.” How did something as simple as food become so complicated? And how can we muddle through it all?
Read Moreby Camille Johnson
Kale (borecole) is a cruciferous vegetable and belongs to the "cabbage" family, along with broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage. This nutrient-dense, green superfood should be included in all of our diets. Check out the nutritional breakdown for 1 cup of kale.
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